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Benefits for workplaces

Worlplaces: super easy to sign up

Factories, farms, offices, mines - workplaces of any kind where people are employed - can implement our system at minimal cost and with low effort. They get great benefits and comply with the HRDD requirements easily.

  • Sign up on our website here:

  • We contact you with a welcome pack and a short introductory call.

  • We register you in our system and you upload a list of workers (anonymised) and tell your workers to download our app from the Google Play Store.

  • There's no cost, no decisions to make, no consulting and no implementation project, no need for long meetings or training.

  • That's it - up and running - data flows - results appear ....

You quickly can see how workers feel about every aspect of your workplace in real time. Moreover, you can share this data with your corporate buyers by getting them to register with us. Once they are on our system, they get to see your worker data in their own dashboards (provided you agree).

See this PrimaDollar case study for an insight into how quickly data rolls in: here (PrimaDollar was our former trading name).

Factories: what are the benefits?

Benefits flow instantly. There is no need to wait.

  • Make buyers happy:

    • Happy buyers means bigger orders at better prices.

    • Buyers are amazed by our HRDD data and want our system to be implemented in their supply chains and running continuously.

    • Buyers spend a lot of money on human rights due diligence, audits, surveys, monitoring, site visits and are worrying about how workers are treated and the potential for negative press. Our system relieves this pressure by providing low-cost, simple and continuous reassurance to buyers at minimum cost and minimum effort.

  • Tick the legal box:

    • Buyers are required by law and regulation to monitor how workers are treated in their suppliers.

    • Quite soon all suppliers will end up being monitored by technology – this is coming very quickly. Better to implement our system now before buyers insist.

  • Lowest cost:

    • We are the easiest and lowest cost way to meet labour monitoring obligations.

    • Our system deliberately does only the minimum so that the system is as easy as possible to install and run. There are no big training sessions, no distraction for workers, no complicated set up, no decisions to make.

  • Simple results:

    • The data we provide is very simple and easy for buyers to understand – they get exactly what they want and no more.

  • Stay in control:

    • Keeping the data simple and limited only to what buyers need ensures that each workplace can easily see the information that is flowing and keep control.

    • There is no text messaging from workers, no communications from individual workers, no videos or social media-style information flows. Buyers do not want this level of data unless a workplace requires remediation.

  • Continuous:

    • Buyers do not want survey-based systems.

    • They want a system that is implemented and then runs quietly all the time in the background – notifying if there is something to worry about with detailed data available if they want to drill into details before news is reported. Buyers want things to be boring.

    • The system should start off with a good social score and then continue (for ever!) with no surprises.

  • Peace of mind:

    • Our social score system should not be telling the workplace anything that they do not already know.

    • Corporate buyers want to know that things are okay, not just at the start or once a year - but all the time.

    • Our system is not for internal purposes – it is to communicate the workplace' credentials to the market and to the buyer customers.

Factories work with us directly

Our first 20 factory clients implemented our worker monitoring system without any pressure or involvement of their corporate buyers. This is a surprising fact for many across the industry.

Surely factories would be resistant to a system like ours? After all, our social score system:

  • increases transparency on human rights and HRDD;

  • provides a real-time data feed to buyers about worker conditions day-to-day; and

  • is driven by worker voice and opinions - something factories cannot control.

But it is true. Our first 20 factories went live across South Asia without any involvement of their buyer customers.

Factories have invested in their workers and their environment. Whilst there is still a lot of room for improvement, things are better today than they were even 10 years' ago.

By implementing our system, workplaces are confidently showcasing what the results of this investment. Using our system to measure how workers feel allows workplaces to show a return on this investment and to see where they rank versus others - enabling bigger orders at better margins.


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